
​As the days get longer and those training hours increase, the need for optimal fuel increases significantly. As the need for energy increases, we sometime face the question of "How do we maximize long training hours, without overloading our body with excess sugar?". 

The answer is Salty Balls!

Not only are they quick to make, but they are also a very cost-effective way to fuel your endurance training. The balance of macronutrients will ensure you are getting a sustained energy release without dumping a lot of sugar into your body.

Salty balls have been an integral part of my training and racing for the past two years. All I have to do is eat a couple balls and drink a bottle of NBS each hour and all of my fueling needs are taken care of.

Beth R., Ultra Distance Triathlete


1/2 cup NBS Recovery

1/2 cup rolled oats

1/4  cup dried fruit or dark chocolate chips

1/2  cup nut butter (homemade cashew butter is delicious)

1/3  cup maple rice syrup (any liquid sweetener will work)

10.5 grams of sea salt divided (this will give you about 15 - 1/8 tsp servings


1. Combine nut butter & sweetener in a microwave safe bowl and heat for 30 seconds. 

2. Stir to combine.

3. Add the rest of the ingredients to the nut butter and sweetener mixture.

4. Divide the mixture into 15 portions and roll into balls

5. Sprinkle each ball with 1/8 tsp. of sea salt (you may adjust this to your needs)

6. Store in an airtight container in the fridge.

Best Usage and Nutritional Info

We recommend you use 1 - 2 Salty Balls per hour while training, depending on your nutritional needs. Two salty balls, plus 1 24 oz. bottle of NBS Hydration per hour will provide you over 300 calories and 1,000 mg of sodium. This will meet most athletes per hour needs during endurance based training. 

See below for a detailed breakdown of macro and micro content.